蘇州國際博覽中心地處蘇州工業園區CBD核心區域,緊鄰金雞湖,交通便捷、配套齊全,是集展覽會議、餐飲酒店于一體的大型會展綜合體,能滿足不同規模、不同形式的大型綜合性展會需求。 展覽面積10萬平方米,擁有展廳9個;會議面積5萬平方米,擁有60間會議室,包括8000平方米亞洲超大無柱豪華宴會廳。載體規模、設施水平、服務能力均在全國位居前列。
Founded in 2004, Suzhou International Expo Center Management Co. Ltd, is a state-owned enterprise directly under Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP) ——a wholly owned subsidiary of Suzhou New Era Culture and Sports Exhibition Group Co. Ltd. (Suzhou New Era Group).
Located in the core area of comprehensive business center (CBD) in SIP and bordering Jinji Lake, Suzhou International Expo Center (Suzhou Expo) boasts convenient transport system and high-standard facilities. As a large-scale complex integrating exhibitions, conferences, catering and hotel facilities, it is capable of hosting large-scale comprehensive exhibitions with different sizes and forms.